Callow "Collected" CS
Falter "Death" CS
Blackhole "Weld" CS
Faceplant "S/T" 7"
All Out War "Dying Gods" CS
Kimachi "Seperation Anxiety" CS
Cold Moon: A Benefit Compilation for the Wolf Sanctuary of PA CS
Israel Regardie "Tu n'es personne" CS
Counter "Shallow Words Crashing Down On Deaf Ears" CS
Dying "Broken" CS
Sold Out
Boroughs "Demo" CS
Less Life "Side of split w/ Dying" CS
Insurrection "Demo" CS
Cruddler "S/T" CS
Stable Boys "Attitudes" CS
Sold Out
Stable Boys "This is 'Two Songs'" CS
Slow Science "You're Welcome" CS
Jackals "Survival Instincts" CS
Losing Sleep "Demo" CS
Dying "Quitter / Lonely Parallax" CS